When All Else Fails


Song Details & Lyrics

© 2013
Lyricist: Carly Kammerer
Genre: Country
Theme: Storytelling



Cool. This is such an amazing experience! I have to thank you personally, the day we met in the bar in phoenixville I was closing a huge door on my life and you opened a brand new one. Pretty awesome. Thanks again! I really do love it the more I hear it. I may or may not have just cried a little. I love, love love love love my song. I think I have listen to it about 15 times already and I am currently burning it to a cd so I can practice in my car! SO very excited! David you rock! I also have another song I wrote recently I want to work on. But one step at a time obviously!
— Carly Kammerer (Phoenixville, PA)

Story Behind the Song

When All Else Fails tells the story of the simple things that make life complete. The lyricist explains, “It’s one of those things you get to choose/That faith you’re not supposed to lose/Now it’s time you all see what I have chosen to believe.” The list begins with country pleasures like “tractors, Sunday chicken in the fryer, t-shirts, ball caps, and blue jeans.” Soon it goes deeper to “I believe in love and being free/When there’s hate over so much religiosity.” Listen and choose your own list of how to trust When All Else Fails.

Ready to get started on your own song?

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