What I Know


Song Details & Lyrics

© 2021
Lyricist: Andrew Lashus
Genre: Rock
Theme: Relationship



Just PERFECT! That’s all there is to say. A home run in the world of music. Thanks so much!!! I’d love to have this vocalist/team do another one for me, the one for my wife, if he’s up for it, but I will be happy with whomever you choose. That will be the next one I submit and I’d love a similar sound.
— Andrew Lashus (Billings, MT)

Story Behind the Song

What I Know is the story of the best part of relationships. The lyricist reminds the listener that “Now as family, I hope you can see/You are in ‘we”, and may that always be.” No matter what each day holds: “When you’re feeling down/Just know we’re around/We’re here for you/We’ll help to get you through/Forever true we’re here for you to get you through.” Listen to What I Know for the love and support.

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