Venn Diagram Girl


Song Details & Lyrics

© 2021
Lyricist: Lawrence Hall
Genre: Pop Rock



I absolutely love it!
— (Lawrence Hall, Rocky Point, NY)

Story Behind the Song

Venn Diagram Girl is a love song with an unexpected mathematical twist. The lyricist-as-lover describes the way to “find the one to adore/first know what it is you’re looking for.” For the first circle, “she has to be kind/Kindness so pure there’s a glow to her face/A sense of calm I feel when in an embrace: For the second circle, “Is faith strong?” For the third circle, “love to laugh/An optimistic soul to the very end/That’s who I want as my best friend.” Listen to Venn Diagram Girl and feel the love behind an unusual geometry.

Ready to get started on your own song?

LoveDavid HawkinsPop, Rock