Two for a Pound


Song Details & Lyrics

© 2022
Lyricist: Gary Munn
Genre: Pop
Theme: Love



Absolutely love it guys!! Thank you all very much. We sat here in tears listening to it together. Amazing job!!
— Gary Munn (Road Town, British Virgin Islands)

Story Behind the Song

Two for a Pound is a love song that starts with the beginning of a relationship. The lyricist-as-lover remembers, “you lit up the room that dark smokey night/I looked into your eyes, and it felt so right/That moment I knew, what I had to do. / I just had to walk over, right up to you.” That day, the beloved “strolled into” the lover’s “life…We’d sit and talk for hours on end.” Listen, and enjoy “the timeless love that inspired this song/The important thing is we are both still around/It was 50 pence a shot, that’s Two for a Pound.”

Ready to get started on your own song?

LoveTina PaonePop, R&B