Too Busy


Song Details & Lyrics

© 2011
Lyricist: Marilyn Hackett
Genre: Acoustic Folk
Theme: Relationship



OMG!!!! You guys nailed it! I cried!!!! I really, really love it! I cannot believe it really got the emotion across! I just cannot thank you enough. The singer is awesome, it’s just my key and the guitar is great. Oh my goodness! I am so happy! What a wonderful thing to get first thing in the morning. I will have that song in my heart forever!
— Marilyn Hackett

Story Behind the Song

Too Busy is a catchy tune showing how one can become disinterested in other things when they’re focused on missing someone they love. “Break out the grill, hit the beach, Join up with your friends. But I’m not ready for that. I’m too busy missing you”. This song will surely draw listeners into the story!

Ready to get started on your own song?

RelationshipTina PaoneFolk