To Fly


Song Details & Lyrics

© 2021
Lyricist: Andrew Lashus
Genre: Rock
Theme: Story



I really like it. It is different, but in a very good, original, and fun way. Captures the upbeat sound I’m looking for. Please pass on my thanks to the producer/vocalist. They have a sound that makes me want to do another one with them. I want to thank you and everyone else again for all the great work. This has been a very rewarding fantastic experience, and I will enjoy listening to the songs for years to come.
— Andrew Lashus (Billings, MT)

Story Behind the Song

To Fly is a catchy tune with a theme of living a carefree life. “But to dream is to fly. Taking the mind on high. Away from the real. Nothing but good I feel, so let me dream. Oh, let me fly”. Listeners will be drawn into this story and may even be encouraged to live carefree.

Ready to get started on your own song?

StorytellingTina PaoneRock