Read to Me


Song Details & Lyrics

© 2016
Lyricist: Debbie Baril
Genre: Soft Rock
Theme: Relationship



She’s going to love it. At first I wasn’t sure about the bridge but the more I hear it the more I like it! Well done! I love it! I’ll send you a video! Love it, you’re the best! My husband heard it and loves it. Thanks so much for your help. I’ll let you know how it goes.
We just got back from our trip where our daughter got engaged and we presented her song. Amazing and beautiful were the comments.... Thanks again for your help with this... Good luck on your new website!
— Debbie Baril (Winsted, CT)

Story Behind the Song

Read to Me tells a love story as it unfolds. The lyricist-as-lover asks the beloved, “Let’s start at the beginning/This journey just for two/these tales are yours and mine/all beautiful and new.” The story begins “with love at first sight.” Then, it moves quickly through “stolen glances and long slow dances” while the couple “grows in love together until we say “I do.” Listen and thrill to romantic love pictured in Read to Me.

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