Permanent Home


Song Details & Lyrics

© 2015
Lyricist: Dennis Robleski
Genre: Country
Theme: Story



The vocalist on the song you sent sounds AWESOME!! Wow - really good and better even than I hoped for. The composer/singer did a great job. I really thought your team did their usual great job translating the message of the lyric into the music and the vocal. Thanks for making this such a good process and outcome for me.
— Dennis Robleski (Wheaton, IL)

Story Behind the Song

Permanent Home tells a story of being without a permanent home. The idea of “home” can be left to interpretation.  “He was always somewhere with anyone instead of anywhere with someone”.  The song also expresses, “Kenny may someday find a permanent home, if he learns when you rent that you don't own”. This uniquely written song will be sure to have the listener feeling the emotions expressed throughout the song!

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