If She Were a Daisy

Song Details & Lyrics

© 2021
Lyricist: Scott Piercey
Genre: Soft Pop
Theme: Love



Stacey loved the song! Great job. Everyone that’s heard it has asked how it was done and who did it for us. We haven’t shared it with many yet, but I would be surprised if you don’t generate some future customers from this piece.
— Scott Piercey (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Story Behind the Song

If She Were A Daisy is a sweet song of appreciation and expression of love for a “smart, funny, and beautiful lover.” The lyrics give accolades to a dedicated wife and mother who is also a “great friend.” Looking forward to the future with his “perfect daisy,” the lyricist promises “You dove into this dream and we’ll have it at last.”

Ready to get started on your own song?

LoveDavid HawkinsPop