Cri de Coeur
Song Details & Lyrics
© 2015
Lyricist: Joanne McLaughlin
Genre: Acoustic Piano/Guitar
Theme: Inspirational
“I love the main vocalist’s voice and I like the music as well. Very nicely done. The empowerment does, indeed, come through, but I see this song as a throw-down too, a dare for the listener to bring it and understand that ‘I will NOT give you aid, I MUST demur.’ I was very pleasantly surprised to see this late last night. I’ve played the song so often at full volume my cats don’t even blink anymore. I’m totally impressed. I believe we have finally it.”
Story Behind the Song
The title of this song, Cri de Coeur, in French, translates to ‘cry of the heart.’ This song was based on the client’s vampire novels, from the perspective of a defiant daughter of progressive rock legends. Although not originally constructed on a political platform, this song can be applicable to an array of inequities and wrongdoings. Ultimately, the song provides a springboard to voice outrage and protest of injustices.