Chasing a Dream


Song Details & Lyrics

© 2014
Lyricist: Maurice Ferris
Genre: Folk
Theme: Story



Nice melody and great touch with the banjo. Very nice, thanks!
— Maurice Ferris (New Castle, United Kingdom)

Story Behind the Song

The lyricist wrote, Chasing a Dream, to describe a greatly relatable moment of when someone special catches your eye, and you attempt to conjure up the courage to approach him/her. This song shares a very important message: “Never let a passing dream out of your sight and mind/For if you do you may regret until the end of time.” The saying, ‘We miss 100% of the shots we don’t take’ resonates deeply within each line of Chasing a Dream. Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game!

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StorytellingGuest UserFolk, Rock